Monday Night Net Script

On Monday night at 1930 local time. GARS holds the want, sale, swap and information net. The net is run on 147.075 MHz (+), PL=82.5Hz, and on Echolink (W4GR-R).

Click here if you wish to email our Net Manager.

GARS Want, Sell, Swap and Information Net Format

Last updated: 03/27/2023, David Adcock

Update Approved:  Net Manager, GARS

To get a copy of this for your records, please Click here to download a copy of this script.

<Note: Items in red between brackets should not be spoken during the net. These are used for filling in NCS information or notes to the NCS to pause or do something.>

CQ, CQ, CQ – Calling the Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society Want, Sell, Swap and Information Net.

This is <NCS name> , <NCS callsign> in <NCS location> and I am your net control for this evening. This net meets weekly each Monday at 1930 hours local time. This net is conducted for club members, interested amateur radio operators, and all listeners to provide up-to-date information regarding GARS club activities and to discuss interesting things related to amateur radio.

You do not have to be a member of GARS to participate in this net. All licensed operators authorized for this frequency are welcome and encouraged to check into the net. If there is any emergency traffic during the net, please say “BREAK BREAK” and your call sign. Any emergency traffic will be handled with top priority.

GARS, the Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society, is an amateur radio club serving Gwinnett County, Georgia, in the Northeast Metro Atlanta area. We are a Special Service club affiliated with the ARRL. GARS is an active part of the Amateur Radio community and we invite you to join us at our next meeting. To learn more about GARS, please visit our web site at

The format of tonight’s net is:

  • Mobile and short time check-ins

  • Echolink check-ins ( be sure to wait for time delay)

  • Officers and committee chairmen check-ins

  • Announcements for want, sell, swap or informational items

  • General check-ins

When checking in please observe the following check-in procedure.

  • Key your mic… 

  • Say “This is”…

  • Unkey for a second to see if the frequency is clear… 

  • Then re-key and give your call sign, name, location and whether you have traffic for the net.

An alternate net control is needed in case this station becomes unable to continue the net. The responsibility of the alternate net control is to copy down all basic information from those checking in and be ready to assume the net control station role, if necessary.

This is <NCS callsign>, net control for the GARS Want, Sell, Swap and Information Net. Is there a station on frequency that could perform this function? Please call <NCS callsign>.

<If yes… >  I would like to thank <Alt NCS callsign> for serving as our alternate net control station for tonight’s net.

<If no… >  Be advised, the net does not have an alternate net control station.

The GARS Want, Sell, Swap and Information Net is now taking Mobile and short time check-ins. Please call <NCS callsign>.

The GARS Want, Sell, Swap and Information Net is now taking Echolink check-ins. Please call <NCS callsign>.
<You will need to wait a little longer than usual for Echolink check-ins due to the delay associated with running Echolink.>
The GARS Want, Sell, Swap and Information Net is now taking Officer and committee chairmen check-ins. Please call <NCS callsign>.

<After officers and committee chairs check-in, return to those who said they had announcements.>

<When done…>

The GARS Want, Sell, Swap and Information Net is now taking announcements for want, sell, swap or informational items. Please call <NCS callsign>.

<Pause and recognize those who have announcements. Continue recognizing those with announcements until there are no more (within reason). >

 At this time the net would like to recognize <call sign>.

Please go ahead with your announcement.

<When done…>

The GARS Want, Sell, Swap and Information Net is now taking General check-ins.
Please call <NCS callsign>.

<Use “Net standby” to catch up and confirm check-ins in groups of ten or so check-ins.>

Any additional check-ins, please call <NCS callsign>.

<When done with General check-ins, provide a recap of all the announcements. >

I would like to thank everyone who checked in and hope you join us again next week at 1930 hours local.(7:30pm)

Please stand by for the Gwinnett County Amateur Radio Emergency Service net on this repeater starting at (2015) after this net closes.

This is <NCS callsign> through the W4GR repeater, closing the net at <Current time> local hours and returning the repeater to normal operation.

<Once the net is closed, call the Alt NCS and confirm the number he or she counted is the same as your count.>

<Alt NCS callsign> this is <NCS callsign>.

The Net had <number> check ins. <Alt NCS> do you concur?

          Please standby for the Gwinnett County ARES net at 2015 hours local time.

<If the numbers don’t concur, work with the Alt NCS to resolve the discrepancy. If they concur, submit the number of total attendees, the NCS name and callsign, the Alt NCS name and callsign, and any comments about the net using the spreadsheet entitled, “GARS Net Check-Ins” in our shared Google Docs spreadsheet. In that spreadsheet, enter this information in the “GARS 2M Nets” worksheet for the date of the net. If you don’t have access to this document or need assistance doing this, please request help from the GARS Net Manager – Click Here to email our Net Manager.